Welcome. You are here because you want to be a better leader of yourself.
First, a word of appreciation. The path you are on is a rich and transformative one - from living your life on automatic, run by old programmes, scripts and ways of being and doing that no longer serve you, to a place where you know yourself and what fulfills you, and can take positive action to align your life with your authentic self, leading from within. To want better for yourself, your relationships, your organizations, communities, and your world takes courage and commitment. Your life is calling you. Thank you for answering.
The Leader Within course offers you the support, insight, inspiration and experience that over six modules will guide you through the process of answering this call. The journey is one of discovery, awareness, self-acceptance, self-leadership, development and actualisation (more detail on these steps below). It’s like meeting yourself anew, discovering that you are bigger, more extraordinary and full of potential than you realized.
You will renew your connection and commitment with yourself, and put it into action in your life with powerful results.
You will be guided by an experienced coach, learning together with a small group of fellow travellers and receiving the support of all. The experience is rich, fun and insightful, and - with commitment and accountability - you will go deeper, further and faster.
“Fiona holds a beautiful, safe space in which it is possible to lean forward or back as you need; she reveres silence and calm as much as energy and provocation. Over the six weeks we were offered a wide range of tools, ideas, stimulations, frameworks and sources of inspiration, all of which continue to percolate and provide nourishment. Fiona is a coach of rare power, rigour and compassion, and so the one-to-one sessions are rocket fuel. I am back in touch with my Inner Leader, and can feel good things starting to move from that place. ”
- If you are called to lead - whether it be leading your life with more direction and purpose, or a leadership role.
- If you feel stressed, reactive and overwhelmed.
- If you feel your Inner Critic is getting in the way.
- If you would like to feel more supported.
- If you would like to feel more purposeful, creative and connected to your authentic inner resources.
- If you would like to be in the leadership zone more often.
- How to align with your authentic values and purpose.
- How to manage your stress better.
- How to be more open, responsive and creative.
- How to tackle Inner Critics and Imposter Syndrome.
- How to call upon deeper resources of wisdom, clarity, compassion and courage.
- How to build greater confidence, resilience and self-leadership with a high dream to guide you forward.
“I was searching out a course that would assist me as my role developed at a fast pace. I felt unequipped to manage a growing team of people, and I knew my confidence was there, but it needed to be mined so that I could lead effectively. This course has done just that. It’s given me the tools that I needed and has untapped the sticking points that restricted my confidence levels for so many years. I do feel like a different person. The course was an intense and emotional ride and I now feel empowered and ready to start my next chapter. This course will change the way you look at life, help you to recalibrate and get to know your true whole self. I cannot recommend it highly enough.”
Week by week, we’ll build a bridge from where you are now to where you want to be, through clear steps that build upon each other to create a journey of transformation. The group is small so you have space to connect and be seen by your coach and peers. You’ll receive
- a clear and supportive framework,
- interactive pair and group work,
- powerful exercises and practices to tap into your deeper wisdom,
- one hour 1-to-1 coaching with me,
- support between sessions,
- takeaway materials to keep,
- the opportunity to put your discoveries into action in your life immediately with practices between sessions that will transform your life.
Your authentic values are the core of your leadership. When you live your life aligned with them, you feel energised; when you don’t, you feel frustrated, de-motivated, and react to life’s events. So in this first module, we’ll clarify those values and then your practice of aligning your life to them will start to transform it. You’ll also learn how to help others clarify their values too, and to discover which values you share and complement, which is invaluable in any personal and professional relationships.
Author and teacher Parker Palmer says having a sense of purpose is like having a rope to hold onto in a snowstorm. But in the day-to-day blizzard of demands, we can lose our sense of purpose - why we do what we do and why we choose to do it the way we do. Life can feel fairly pointless as a result. In this second module, we’ll start to explore purpose and to develop a high dream for your life that aligns with it. By the end of this module, you’ll be ready to consciously take purposeful action in your everyday life, and the change can be remarkable.
Most of the time, we live our lives on automatic, and because we are animals with iPhones, we are unaware of our own inner states. In this module, you’ll begin to build that awareness, noticing your inner state at any moment and building awareness and ownership of your patterns. From there, you’ll discover ways to lessen the power of any reactive stress state and to approach life from a more centred place.
We are so hard on ourselves - harder than we need to be. At some point in our earlier life, we developed the psychological survival strategy that we call the Inner Critic or Saboteur. At one point, it was trying to keep us safe, now it keeps us small. We are running our lives from an old programme that has served its purpose and now needs an upgrade. In this module, you’ll build on your self-knowledge and self-awareness to move your Inner Critic from the driving seat of your life.
Once the Inner Critic is in the backseat of your life (or even out of the car entirely!), then this module enables you to tap into another deep resource in yourself - your own authentic wisdom, courage, clarity and compassion. Learn how to connect with it every day and it will do more than reduce the power of the Inner Critic; it will help you trust yourself and feel supported from within.
By now, you will be experiencing the difference your new powers of self-leadership make to every aspect of your life. You will be feeling more whole, more expansive, and flow in your life. But as life is not linear, how do we bring all we have learned, practiced and integrated into action when we have setbacks, or when life gets hard? In this final module, we explore resilience and a high dream for our lives, and create a plan that will continue your authentic journey forward.
““The Leader Within course was an intense journey really getting under the skin of what makes us, us. Fiona takes you gently through some deep topics with each week building on the one before. Self-leadership is at the heart of the course and wherever you are in your life stage, you will learn so much more about yourself and how you lead yourself and others. It will certainly make you stop and think, and think differently in the future.”
If you would like to offer this course or bespoke workshops to your team, within your organization, or to make a group booking please contact at fiona@fionabucklandcoaching.com
The Leader Within course is developed from the first part of my book Thoughtful Leadership - A Guide to Leading with Mind, Body and Soul.